 The industrial-strength 170XiIIIPlus with 203- or 300-dpi print resolution can print large volumes labels up to 6.6 inches (168 mm) wide at 12 inches per second (ips), promoting greater productivity with less roll changes or execute intricate, high resolution print applications at a quick eight ips. With its all metal construction, this printer is ideal for tough applications including compliance labels (AIAG, ODETTE, UCC/EAN-128, etc.), product identification labels, pallet shipping/receiving labels either on demand or in batches.

The 170XiIIIPlus is designed to deliver maximum performance and reliability in your most demanding industrial applications.

In North America, the 170XiIIIPlus has an RFID Ready option that allows you to upgrade to RFID technology in the future.

- RFID Ready
- Handles everything from paper to specialty label/tag stocks
- Satisfies high-volume media requirements
- Offers wide width capabilities
- Offers a wide range of connectivity solutions

Industrial & Commercial

